NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 5 – Coal and Petroleum. Furthermore, here we’ve provided you with the latest solution for Class 8 Science Chapter 5 – Coal and Petroleum. As a result here you’ll find solutions to all the exercises. This NCERT Class 8 solution will help you to score good marks in your exam.

Students can refer to our solution for NCERT Class 8 Science Chapter 5 – Coal and Petroleum. The Chapter 5 Solution of NCERT will help students prepare for the exams and easily crack the exam. Below we’ve provided you with the latest solution.

Answers to Questions On Page no. 62 of Ncert Class 8 Science Chapter 5 – Coal and Petroleum.

Q1: What are the advantages of using CNG and LPG as fuels?

Answer: The advantages of using compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquified petroleum gas (LPG) as fuels are:

  1. They can be burnt directly.
  2. They can be transported easily through pipe lines.
  3. They are clean fuels and do not give smoke when burnt.
  4. They give a lot of heat energy when burnt.

Q2: Name the petroleum product used for surfacing of roads.

Answer: Bitumen, a petroleum product, is used for surfacing roads.

Q3: Describe how coal is formed from dead vegetation. What is this process called?

Answer: Millions of years ago, dense forests got buried under the soil due to natural processes like storms, floods, and earthquakes. These got compressed as more and more soil got deposited over them. When they got buried deep in the soil, they were exposed to very high pressure and temperature. Under these conditions, these slowly got converted into coal. This process of formation of coal from dead vegetation is called carbonization.

Q4: Fill in the banks.


  1. Fossil fuels are   coal , petroleum  and  natural gas.
  2. Process of separation of different constituents from petroleum is called  refining .
  3. Least polluting fuel for vehicles is  compressed natural gas (CNG)__.

Q5: Tick True/False against the following statements.


  1. Fossil fuels can be made in the laboratory. (F)
  2. CNG is more polluting fuel than petrol. (F)
  3. Coke is almost pure form of carbon. (T)
  4. Coal tar is a mixture of various substances. (T)
  5. Kerosene is not a fossil fuel. (F)

Q6: Explain why fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources.

Answer: Fossil fuels require millions of years to form from the dead vegetation and animals that get buried deep inside the Earth. They require high temperature and pressure for their formation, which cannot be provided in the laboratory. Thus, fossils are limited. Therefore, the use of fossil fuels at this rate will lead to their exhaustion.

Q7: Describe characteristics and uses of coke.

Answer: Characteristics of coke are:

  1. Tough
  2. Porous
  3. Black in colour

Uses of coke:

  1. In manufacture of steel.
  2. In the extraction of metals (as a reducing agent).

Q8: Explain the process of formation of petroleum.

Answer: Petroleum was formed from dead organisms that got buried in the sea millions of years ago. These dead bodies got covered with layers of sand and clay. Lack of air, high temperature, and high pressure transformed these dead organisms into petroleum and natural gas.

Q9: The following Table shows the total power shortage in India from 1991 – 1997. Show the data in the form of a graph. Plot shortage percentage for the years on the Y-axis and the year on the X-axis.

S. No.YearShortage (%)

Answer :

NCERT Class 8 Science All Chapters Solution 

Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management

Chapter 2: Microorganisms Friend and Foe

Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibres And Plastics

Chapter 4: Materials Metals and Non-Metals

Chapter 5: Coal and Petroleum

Chapter 6: Combustion And Flame

Chapter 7: Conservation Of Plants And Animals

Chapter 8: Cell Structure And Functions

Chapter 9: Reproduction In Animals

Chapter 10: Reaching The Age of Adolescence

Chapter 11: Force And Pressure

Chapter 12: Friction

Chapter 13: Sound

Chapter 14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current

Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena

Chapter 16: Light

Chapter 17: Stars And The Solar System

Chapter 18: Pollution of Air and Water